Private Policy

Who we are

Privacy Policy

Last updated on Oct 11, 2022.  This Privacy Policy is effective Oct 11, 2023. 

Welcome to Global Surf Club! Global Surf Club offers individual surfs and surf clubs the functionality to surf more, share resources and save expenses.Welcome to Global Surf Club!

Before you read this private policy please note WE DO NOT SELL, SHARE, USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA. Your data is used only within side the walls of our club and platform. Our mission and vision is to create a safe environment for ocean sports lovers that only want to interact safely without the worry of your data being used or used to target you for advertisements, political motivation or any other reason. We are a subscription based platform to keep it private, safe and free of using peoples’ personal data.  

Please note that some of what is require to run a platform we need to share how we store, use and remove any data.

This explains our privacy practices and how we treat your personal information when you use our Services. It describes the types of personal information collected and created in connection with your use of Global Surf Club, how and why we use such information, who we share it with, and your legal rights. Unless otherwise indicated, this privacy policy (“Policy”) applies to all our websites, domains, apps, products, services, and features (the “Services”) in all geographies in which Global Surf Club offers its Services.  Certain portions of this Policy apply only to Services offered in particular geographies; please see Section 11 for additional information.

When you use Global Surf Club, there are expectations for how you must respect and protect the privacy of other members. These expectations are spelled out in our Member Agreement. Please read it. Violating these rules or other aspects of the Member Agreement may lead to a loss of account privileges, potentially including a permanent ban from Global Surf Club or any affiliated club.

1. What is Global Surf Club?

Global Surf Club is the individual and surf club hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and services; we hope that individuals & clubs everywhere will use Global Surf Club to build stronger and safer surf experiences and clubs around the world.

2. Who provides the Services and controls my information?

We use “Global Surf Club” here to refer to our Services and we also use “Global Surf Club”, “we”, “us”, and “our” to refer to the relevant Global Surf Club companies described in this section.

Currently as of June 3, 2020 Global Surf Club operates in the United Kingdom and United States.

If you live in United Kingdom, the Services and operated and provided to you by Global Surf Club Ltd.  If you live in the United States, the Services are operated and provided to you by Global Surf Club USA.     

If you change your residence, your information will be transferred according to your new residence from the date on which your place of residence changes.

3. What information is collected?

When we provide the Services, we collect or receive information in several different ways. In many cases you choose what information to provide. Some information is required in order to use Global Surf Club and for us to provide the Services.  We use this information for the purposes described further below.

Note that not all Global Surf Club account types and features are available in all locations, so some of the examples below may not apply where you live.

3.1. From you, or with your permission.

We collect a variety of information from you when you provide it to us directly, when we request it from you, or when you give us permission to get it from a third party source.  Here are some examples of these instances:

  •     Contact details.  
    • When you sign up for Global Surf Club, you provide your name, address, phone number, profile photo, email address, and similar information. 
    • If you want to join Global Surf Club or to use a service on Global Surf Club that is yet to be introduced to your club, but we don’t yet have service for your country or area, you can choose to give us your contact information and ask us to notify you when we do.
    • If you contact support, you are providing us with your contact information and a description of the issue so we can respond.
    • Network details.  If you decide to invite new members to join Global Surf Club, you can choose to share their contact details or email address with us, or share your contacts with us, so we can send an invitation and follow-up reminders to potential new members on your behalf. 
    • Posts, interests, and recommendations.
      • If you want to support a local business, you can choose to share information about it, in the form of a recommendation of a business or by creating a business page.
    • If you want to help your clubs and Global Surf Club get to know you better, you may share information about yourself in your profile, including your interests, skills, or even what you love about your club.
    • If you want to connect and communicate with members or clubs about specific interests, you may share information about your interests.
    • If you want to communicate with members or clubs and share Content (as defined in our Member Agreement, you might post something on Global Surf Club.
    • If you want to allow us to show you where you are on your club map, tag your posts, photos and events by location, or verify your address (where available), you can enable sharing this in your settings.
    • Payment information.  If you make a payment either to or through Global Surf Club, you are providing our trusted third party payment processors with certain payment information in order to complete the transaction.
    • Survey data.  If you take part in surveys or other general research we undertake, you may provide information in response. 

3.2. From your browser and device. 

Like nearly every other online service, we automatically collect technical information when you visit or use Global Surf Club or read a message from us. We collect information from your browser, computer, or mobile device. This provides us with technical information when you use Global Surf Club as a visitor or a member, including:

  • Device data, which tells about the device you’re using, such as what type and model it is, its operating system and version, its unique identifier, crash data (if applicable), and what settings you’ve enabled. Your device and software settings affect what information your device makes available to us.

Log data, which is automatically recorded by our servers based on data sent by your app or browser. This typically includes the date and time you visited, the browser or app version you used (and its settings), the URLs you come from and go to, your IP address and protocol, and how you used Global Surf Club (for example, which links you clicked on).

  • Cookie data, which comes from “cookies” (small data files stored on your computer or mobile device) and similar technologies. Cookie data helps us recognize you, remember your preferences, and personalize your experience. Some, but not all cookie data is associated with your Global Surf Club account.
  • Pixels, SDKs and other storage technologies, which operate similar to cookies and are used by us, as well as by certain third parties, such as social media networks and advertiser platforms, to collect or receive information from our and other websites and apps to provide measurement services and target ads. To learn more about your choices for limiting the collection of your information by these technologies, see our Cookie Policy.

3.3. From third parties and public sources. 

We may collect information from third parties, service providers, partners, and publicly-available sources, such as:

  • Vendors that provide us with map information in order to create and launch new clubs.
  • Vendors that provide information about members and their homes for advertising analytics, personalization, and measurement.
  • Public sources such as census data, street addresses, property lot maps, and postal address change information, which provide us with information that helps us understand our members and potential areas for expansion.

4. How is my information used?

We use the information we have to help us provide, operate, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. We may also use the information we have for other purposes where permitted by law.  

4.1. Establishing and developing members & clubs.

We use information to identify and invite potential new members to Global Surf Club, and to set up new Global Surf Club clubs. For example, we use information to identify new members and, if you ask us to, send invitations and reminders on your behalf, send direct mail your area.

4.2. Setting you up on Global Surf Club.

In order to enable us to operate and provide the Services, we use certain information to get you started on Global Surf Club:

  • For residential members, we verify that you live at the address you gave us through a combination of your address and a second factor.  The second factors we use may include a code we provide you or geo-verification, if you are offered and choose that option.  We also use public registries to block addresses of registered sex offenders in the United States (and other countries where permitted by law).  
  • We may notify Global Surf Club Committee Members of new members as they join the club, and, for clubs whose addresses need to be verified, Committee Members may be able to see the portion of the club’s address that is shared with the club.
  • Once you register, your personal information is used to populate your profile.
  • We use business information to create Business Pages, which help members learn about the businesses in their they may need in . To claim your Business Page, click here.
  • For business or other special accounts, we may verify your address using third-party or publicly available sources, such as business listings or your website.
  • When you sign up for Global Surf Club, you have the opportunity to ask Global Surf Club to mail invitations to nearby households that are not on Global Surf Club. These invitations contain your name and street name and are only addressed to nearby households (and do not generally contain recipient householders’ names).

4.3. Provide and improve the Services.

We use both manual and automated systems to analyse and use your Content (as defined in the Member Agreement and other information:

  • To operate Global Surf Club, create clubs, invite clubs, and improve our products and features.
  • To help you publish Content and view and respond to Content from other members, based on posting selections you make when you create posts, trips, .
  • To highlight popular club topics or resources on a club’s public home page or an organization’s public page.
  • To select top posts in an area and to deliver and tailor your newsfeed.
  • To highlight businesses you may wish to recommend based on your activity on Global Surf Club.
  • To help support businesses recommended by Global Surf Club members.
  • To personalize your experience.
  • To understand the trends, usage statistics, and demographic data of the members and clubs we serve.
  • To respond to your support requests and comments.
  • To test and evaluate potential new products and features on Global Surf Club.
  • To diagnose and resolve problems, analyse trends, and monitor usage and resource needs.
  • To accept payments, through our trusted third party payment processors.

5. What are my choices?

The choices you have regarding the sharing and visibility of your profile information, content and location information; your communications with Global Surf Club members and invitations to non-members; moving your account to a new club; and deactivating or deleting your Global Surf Club account.

6. Is my information shared with third parties?

We do not share personal data.

We share information with service providers, affiliates, partners, and other third parties where it is necessary to perform the services we provide, to provide the Services, or for any other purposes described in this Policy. 

6.1. Content shared within the Global Surf Club community. 

Global Surf Club is a platform for individual members and surf clubs to share helpful information with each other. To that end, we make the Content you post on Global Surf Club, such as posts, replies, recommendations, messages, and your profile information, visible to other Global Surf Club members based on the preferences in your settings, the preferences on the Content you provide, and as described in this Policy.  You can learn more here. By default, your name, address, and other information you add to your profile will be visible to members in your club; your name, address and a subset of your profile information will be visible to members in nearby clubs; and your recommendations are shared with all members. 

User-generated content (UGC) is content that users contribute to an app, and which is visible to or accessible by at least a subset of the app’s users. User-generated content can include text, comments, images, video, profiles, usernames, comments, posts, votes, likes, hearts, or other media content.

By agreeing to our private policy and terms and conditions users that violate Global Surf Clubs User Generated Content Policy may be suspended, removed or even banded from Global Surf club.

User-generated content (UGC) Violations include:

  • User MAY NOT promote sexually explicit user-generated content, including implementing or permitting paid features that principally encourage the sharing of objectionable content.
  • User MAY NOT post, comment, message or share photos, images, videos and any media content within the Global Surf Club app that are primarily intended to harass or single out another person for abuse, malicious attack, or ridicule.
  • User MAY NOT post, share or use any content that provides misinformation, hate, discrimination or violence.
  • User MAY NOT share, post or provide – Content that violates third-party intellectual property rights. Content that is offensive, obscene or discriminatory. Content that could cause harm (including damaging computers). Content that enables or encourages people to break the law. Repeatedly reposting the same content. Reposting content that has already been removed. Content that includes somebody’s personal details or private information, particularly that of third parties. Content that contains advertising or promotional material. Posting material under a new account after being suspended or banned from using the site.
  • Global Surf Club Ltd asks that you do not publicly or private share any personal data such as financial, personal addresses, phone numbers, emails any personal data that maybe vulnerable to theft or abuse.

6.2. Publicly-available content.

In limited circumstances (for example, to highlight popular club resources or topics on the club’s home page), we may make short snippets of Content (as defined in the Member Agreement available, without your name or other identifying information, to the public (meaning non-members and search engines).

6.3. Account verification.

We may share your personal information with our verification partners, such as telecommunications providers (if you choose to verify your account by providing your telephone number

6.4. Legal and safety reasons.

We may retain, preserve, or share your personal information if we have a good-faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to: (a) respond, based on applicable law, to a legal request (e.g. a subpoena, a search warrant, court order, or other request from government or law enforcement); (b) detect, investigate, prevent, and address fraud and other illegal activity, security, or technical issues; (c) protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety; (d) enforce our Member Agreement or any other agreements we have with you; (e) prevent physical injury or other harm to any person or entity, including you and members of the general public.  For example, we may share your personal information with disaster relief agencies, first responders, and other individuals to facilitate disaster or emergency response efforts.

6.5. We do not advertise. We have businesses that have been recommended by members and will be available for trips and possible sponsorship.

If you click on or reply to a business offer or sponsorship offer, we may share your reply with the businesses, and we may log your interaction as part of tracking the overall effectiveness for members, clubs and businesses.  We may also pre-populate replies to offers  you click on with your contact details, but those details are not shared with the businesses without your consent.

The Services are supported by third party advertising networks. Our advertising partners use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about our members and their devices over time across Global Surf Club and different websites and services. We may also share with our advertising partners advertising identifiers of our members to help them personalize the ads they see. Where permissible according to applicable law, we may share certain limited personal information about you in hashed form, such as a hashed email address, with our advertising partners and other companies that help us serve ads. We do this to tailor or target advertising or to identify similar audiences to advertise to.  Our advertising partners may be able to associate this information with you based on your advertising identifiers or other personal information they have about you. Our advertising partners use the information they collect to provide our members with personalized ads on Global Surf Club and on different websites and services, and to measure the effectiveness of the ads.  

For more information about third party use of cookies and similar technologies and about how you can limit the use of your information for personalized online advertising, see our Cookie Policy. Our systems are not currently configured to accept browsers’ “Do Not Track” signals, as no industry-wide standard for handling them has been adopted.

6.6. Third party partners.  

Global Surf Club may partner with third party companies to offer members the ability to book a range of different services, such as home accommodations, surf school, surf training, and rentals.  These offers may be integrated into Global Surf Club, or Global Surf Club may contain links to other websites or apps featuring the offers. In order to tailor these offers to you, we may share limited information with such third parties, such as your area or zip/postcode, the business topic of the content you are viewing, or a business search query (for example, a search for “surf instructor”). When you engage with one of these offers, you may share additional information directly with the third party partner. If you engage with third party partners through Global Surf Club, the third parties may share with us certain information about you to allow us to coordinate, assess, and improve the services provided to you.  This may include information about a booking you make with the third party, including type of service, name and address of provider, and the time of booking. These third parties have their own privacy policies, which will apply to your activity if you click on or interact with their offers featured on Global Surf Club or other websites or apps.

6.7. Service providers.

We may also share your personal information with service providers and/or data processors to help us operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services. These service providers are contractually required to use it only to provide their service to us, and are contractually prohibited from using it for their own purposes.  For example, we use a company to help test and analyze the performance of our website and mobile applications. We may also use trusted third party payment processors to accept payments for certain services made available on Global Surf Club.

6.8. Within the Global Surf Club Ltd.  

We may share your information within our “Global Surf Club Ltd” to improve services and functionality.

6.9. Business re-organization.

We may need to share your personal information with the relevant participants in transactions (or potential transactions) involving a corporate divestiture, merger, consolidation, acquisition, restructuring, reorganization, or sale or other disposition of some or all of the assets of, or equity interests in, Global Surf Club or our affiliates.

6.10. Aggregated information.

We share some aggregated information about our clubs with government agency members and other organizational members, such as statistics about club activity and size. Because of the special role played by government agency accounts, we may provide agency accounts with limited identifying personal information (first name and last initial) for club Leads, so that the agency can communicate directly with them.

We may also share aggregated or de-identified information with companies we do business with, including our advertisers and partners as well as government agency members or other organizational members.

7. How long is my information kept?

We retain your information in our server logs, our databases, and our records for as long as necessary to provide the Services. We may need to retain some of your information for a longer period, such as in order to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, to resolve disputes or defend against legal claims, or to enforce our Member Agreement. If you decide not to verify your account and would like us to delete the information you provided, contact us.

8. How is my information protected?

8.1. Account security.

Global Surf Club uses technical and organizational measures intended to keep your data secure, including using https on our web pages to reduce the risk of unauthorized interception of your communications during your visits to the website. However, the internet is not a fully secure environment and we cannot guarantee that your personal information won’t be intercepted or improperly accessed. Please ensure that you keep your password safe and do not share it with anyone.

8.2. Other services and websites.

In using Global Surf Club, you may come across links to websites and services operated by third parties (for example, if a member shares a link to a video on YouTube, or if an advertiser provides a link to a contest or sweepstakes). These third parties have their own privacy policies, which will apply to any personal information they collect. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for such external sites’ privacy and security practices.

9. Amendments to this Policy.

We may make changes to this Policy from time to time, so please review it periodically. If we materially change our Policy, we will take steps to notify you in advance of the change, for example by emailing you or by posting a notice in your club feed.

10. Contact us.

If you live in Australia, contact us at Global Surf Club, Ltd., 63-66 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8LE Email: .

If you live in Canada, contact us at Global Surf Club, Ltd., 63-66 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8LE.  Email: .

If you live in the EU, contact us at Global Surf Club, Ltd., 63-66 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8LE. Email .  You may reach our Data Protection Officer at

If you live in the United States, contact us at Global Surf Club Ltd Email:

11. Jurisdiction-specific disclosures.

11.1. California.  

If you are a California resident, this section applies to you.  This section describes how we collect, use, and share your personal information in operating our business, and the rights that you have with respect to your personal information.  For purposes of this section, “personal information” has the meaning given in the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), but does not include certain de-identified or aggregated information, information publicly available in government records, or certain information excluded from the CCPA’s scope.  

11.1.1. Personal information we collect, use, and share.  

The chart below summarizes, during the 12 months preceding the last update of this Privacy Policy, the categories of personal information we collect, as well as where we collect it from, how we use it, and who we share it with.  More information regarding the: sources from which we collect personal information can be found in Section 3 above titled “What information is collected?”; business and commercial purposes for which we collect your personal information can be found in Section 4 above titled “How is my information used?”; categories of recipients with whom personal information is shared or sold can be found in Section 6 above titled “Is my information shared with third parties?” 

Categories of personal information (PI) collected

Sources of PI

Purposes of use of PI

Categories of third parties to whom we disclose the PI

Identifiers such as name, email address, residential address, and/or phone number

You, or, with your permission, third parties, your browser, computer, or mobile device, your clubs and other members of Global Surf Club; publicly available sources, such as census data and address directories; and service providers such as data providers.

Set you up on Global Surf Club; provide and improve the Services; prevent fraud and ensure the security of your account and our Services; establish and develop clubs; facilitate club interactions; and provide and improve advertisements and other commercial offerings both on and off the Services.

Global Surf Club community; identity verification providers; and legal advisers and law enforcement.

Identifiers such as Internet Protocol address, cookies, and advertising

You, your browser, computer, or mobile device.

Provide and improve the Services; prevent fraud and ensure the security of your account and our services; establish and develop clubs; and provide and improve advertisements and other commercial offerings both on and off the Services.

Service providers such as fraud prevention companies and map providers; legal advisers and law enforcement; and third party partners, such as advertisers or companies offering services through Global Surf Club.

Demographic information such as household income, age bracket, and homeownership

You or, with your permission, third parties; publicly available sources, such as census data and address directories; and service providers and partners such as marketing and data providers.

Provide and improve the Services; and provide and improve advertisements and other commercial offerings both on and off the Services.

Service providers such as advertising and marketing providers, analytics providers, cloud providers, and customer service providers; legal advisers and law enforcement; and third party partners, such as advertisers or companies offering services through Global Surf Club.

Geolocation data

You and your browser, computer, or mobile device (but only when you grant us access to it).

Set you up on Global Surf Club; establish and develop clubs; and provide and improve our Services.

Global Surf Club community; and service providers such cloud providers and map providers.

Internet activity information such as how a member browses and interacts with Global Surf Club

You and your browser, computer, or mobile device; service providers and partners such as marketing and data providers; and third parties such as advertisers and analytics providers.

Provide, improve, and resolve errors in our Services; prevent fraud and ensure the security of your account and our services; establish and develop clubs; and provide and improve advertisements and other commercial offerings both on and off the Services.

Service providers such as analytics providers, cloud providers, and customer service providers, and advertising and marketing providers; legal advisers and law enforcement; and third party partners, such as advertisers or companies offering services through Global Surf Club.

Commercial information such as lifestyle interests (i.e., whether a member is a car enthusiast) and inferences drawn therefrom

You, or with your permission, third parties, your browser, computer, or mobile device; publicly available sources, such as census data and address directories; service providers and partners such as marketing and data providers; and third parties such as advertisers and analytics providers.

Facilitate club interactions; provide and improve our Services; and provide and improve advertisements and other commercial offerings both on and off the Services.

Global Surf Club community; service providers such as advertising and marketing providers, analytics providers, cloud providers, identity verification companies, fraud prevention companies, and customer service providers; legal advisers and law enforcement; and third party partners, such as advertisers or companies offering services through Global Surf Club.

information” has the meaning given in the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), but does not include certain de-identified or aggregated information, information publicly available in government records, or certain information excluded from the CCPA’s scope.  

11.1.1. Personal information we collect, use, and share.  

The chart below summarizes, during the 12 months preceding the last update of this Privacy Policy, the categories of personal information we collect, as well as where we collect it from, how we use it, and who we share it with.  More information regarding the: sources from which we collect personal information can be found in Section 3 above titled “What information is collected?”; business and commercial purposes for which we collect your personal information can be found in Section 4 above titled “How is my information used?”; categories of recipients with whom personal information is shared or sold can be found in Section 6 above titled “Is my information shared with third parties?” 

11.1.2. What are my rights?

These rights are not absolute, are subject to exceptions, and we may be required or permitted by law to decline your request.  Only you, a person that you authorize to act on your behalf, or an entity registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable request related to accessing or deleting your personal information. Access categories of information.

You can access much of your Global Surf Club information by logging into your Global Surf Club account. You may also request a description of the following information collected during the past 12 months: the categories of personal information we have collected about you, categories of sources from which the personal information is collected, the purpose for collecting or selling personal information, and categories of third parties with whom we share personal information.  

You may make any of these requests by contacting us:  please select the “My residential account” option in the first drop-down menu and “CCPA: Request my PI” from the second drop-down menu.  In the text box, please specify that you are requesting categories of information we have collected, used, and shared about you, and the purpose for the collection or sale.  You may also submit a verifiable request to us at . Access specific pieces of information.

You can access much of your Global Surf Club information by logging into your Global Surf Club account.  You may also request specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you during the past 12 months by contacting us:  please select the “My residential account” option in the first drop-down menu and “CCPA: Request my PI” from the second drop-down menu.  In the text box, please specify that you are requesting specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.  You may also submit a verifiable request to us at . Delete.

You can delete most content you have posted to Global Surf Club by logging into Global Surf Club.  You may also request that we delete personal information we have collected from you by contacting us:  please select the “My account” option in the first drop-down menu and the “Delete my account – Calif.” option from the second drop-down menu.  You may also submit a verifiable request to us Opt-out of sales.

We do not sell your name, email address, physical address, or phone number unless you give us specific permission.  However, California law broadly defines “sale” in a way that may include using targeted advertising services to deliver targeted advertising on the Services or other sites.  Like most online publishers and social networks, we use these services, which enable us to provide the Services and relevant offers to you. 

As such, our use of these services may constitute a “sale” (as defined by California law) of the following categories of information to advertising partners for such advertising purposes:  identifiers such as Internet Protocol address, device IDs, cookie IDs, and advertising IDs; demographic information such as household income, age bracket, and homeownership; commercial information such as the types of products or services you’re interested in purchasing; lifestyle interests such as whether you’re a car enthusiast and inferences drawn therefrom.

You have the right to direct us not to “sell” your personal information by contacting us at info@globalsurfclub.con or our support requestWE DO NOT SELL YOU PERSONAL INFORMATION EVER. Nondiscrimination.

You have the right to exercise your rights described above free from discriminatory practices prohibited by California law. List of third party marketers.

You have the right to request and obtain from us once a year and free of charge a list of all third parties, if any, to which Global Surf Club has disclosed certain personal information (as defined by relevant California law) during the preceding calendar year for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. If you would like such a list, please contact us at Global Surf Club, Ltd., 63-66 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8LE: Chief Legal Officer. For all such requests, you must put the statement “Share the Space Request” on your request, as well as your name, street address, city, state, and zip code. Please note that we will not accept these requests by telephone, mail or fax, and are not responsible for notices that are not labeled or sent properly, or that do not have complete information. Designating an authorized agent.

You may designate an authorized agent to exercise your rights above.  We reserve the right to require verification of your authorized agent’s identity and authority, which may include:  

  • •       Verification of your identity as described below in Section 11.1.3; 
  • •       A power of attorney pursuant to California Probate Code sections 4000 – 4465 or otherwise sufficient in our discretion to establish your authorized agent’s authority; and/or
  • •       Your authorized agent’s valid government-issued identification or other proof of identity acceptable to us in our sole discretion.

11.1.3. Verifying requests for access to categories of information, access to specific pieces of information, and deletion.

To protect the privacy of your information and account, we are required to verify your request.  The verifiable request must describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to the request. Members.

Members can submit a verifiable request by emailing If you submit your request by emailing, we will ask you to re-authenticate your identity, which may include re-entering your password or sending an email from the email address associated with your account.  

You can also submit your verifiable request, information, for deletion request by emailing us at  If you submit your request by emailing us at your email must originate from the same email address that is associated with your account.

We reserve the right to require additional proof of your identity and California residency, including government identification. Non-members.

If you are not a member, you can submit a verifiable request by contacting us or emailing us at for deletion requests and  for information access requests.  If you submit your request by contacting us , we will ask you to authenticate your identity.  If you submit your request by emailing us a your email must originate from the same email address that we have in our records.  

In addition, to make an access or deletion request, you will be required to provide additional verification of your identity and California residency, which may include a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the individual whose personal information is the subject of the request, government-issued identification, a reply to a text message sent to the phone number we have in our records, and/or other documentation associating your name with the address we have in our records.

11.2. Australia, Canada, and Europe.  

If you live in Europe, this section applies to you.  If you live in Australia or Canada, you may have some of the following rights under applicable law. 

11.2.1. On what legal basis do you collect my information?

To the extent required by applicable law, we will collect your personal information with your consent where required and in accordance with our legitimate need to provide you our Services. 

11.2.2. What are my rights?

You benefit from a number of rights in relation to your information that we process. While some of these rights apply generally, certain rights apply only in certain limited cases. We describe these rights below. Access.

If you are unable to obtain the desired information by logging into your Global Surf Club account, or if you are not currently a Global Surf Club member, email us at to request a copy of your Global Surf Club information. If requested and required to do so by applicable law, we will provide your information in an easily accessible format and assist in transferring some of this information to third parties as you request. Rectify, restrict, delete.

You can access, rectify, and delete your Global Surf Club information by logging into your Global Surf Club account.  If you cannot do this or you do not have a Global Surf Club account, please contact us and we will rectify, restrict, or delete your information if requested and if required to do so by applicable law. Object.

If we process your information based on our legitimate interests explained above, or in the public interest, you can object to this processing in certain circumstances. In such cases, we will cease processing your information unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue processing (including if we are permitted to continue processing under applicable law) or where it is needed for legal reasons. Where we use your data for direct marketing, you can always object by using the unsubscribe link in such communications, changing your email account settings or, if you do not have an account, by contacting us. Revoke consent.

Where consent is required for processing under applicable law, you may have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your information at any time. If you withdraw your consent to the use of your information for the purposes set out in this Policy, you may not have access to all (or any) of our Services and we might not be able to provide you all (or any) of the Services under this Policy and our Member Agreement. In certain cases, we may continue to process your information after you have withdrawn consent if we have a legal basis to do so, or if your withdrawal of consent was limited to certain processing activities. Complain.

If you have an EU member account and wish to raise a concern about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local supervisory authority or Global Surf Club’s lead supervisory authority, the Irish Data Protection Commission.

If you have an Australian or Canadian member account, please contact us and provide us with as much detail as possible about your complaint.  We take all privacy complaints seriously and will assess any complaint with the aim of resolving it in a timely and efficient manner.  If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our assessment of your complaint, you may wish to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (for Australian members) or the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada (for Canadian members).

11.2.3. Where is my information stored?

If you live in Australia or Canada, we transfer your personal information to the U.S.  

If you live in the EU, we transfer your personal information under these protections: Standard contractual clauses.

We may use a legal mechanism known as “standard contractual clauses” to protect information transferred outside the EU. Standard contractual clauses refer to contracts between companies transferring personal information (for example, from Global Surf Club Ltd to future Global Surf Club, USA.) that contain standard commitments approved by the EU Commission protecting the privacy and security of the information transferred. To request a copy of the clauses, please email us at Privacy shield.

We may also rely on the EU-US Privacy Shield where we transfer your information to the United States, such as to certain of our third party service providers, where such recipients are certified to receive your information under the Privacy Shield Program.

By continuing to use Global Surf Club, you understand that we may transfer and store your data outside your home country, including to and in the US, as described in this Policy. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your personal information in some of these countries may not be the same as in your home country. Global Surf Club will only transfer personal data as permitted by law, and will take steps intended to ensure appropriate protection of your personal information. If you have questions, please contact us.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it


When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

Contact forms


If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.


Who we share your data with

How long we retain your data

If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on this site, or have left comments, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.

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We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.