London Dash to Newquay – Surf Trip

Driver: Ian Morgan

Passengers: Kate, Charlotte & Brian

Like any Monday, you begin looking to the next weekend’s forecast desperately searching for where the surf and the waves will be good. The forecast this past Monday was looking really windy.

By Wednesday the forecast for the coming Saturday changed for the better and the wind had shifted from the west to east winds and it was worth making the call to go surfing in Cornwall! 

Ian set up the trip to drive and we knew there was enough swell around that we could find some sheltered areas to catch waves.

Ian cruised like a rockstar to zip us to the Blue Reef Lounge in record time. Being able to check ourselves in was a game-changer for our drive from London, as some accommodations do not have late check-ins, especially in the off-season.

Saturday was a wave-catching jackpot at Newquay's South Fistral surf spot, hitting it right as the tide was just perfect. We paddled out to some seriously dreamy chest to head-high waves.

After a tasty pit stop at the Box & Barber (a must-visit for brekkie or lunch), we dashed off for round two at Tolcarne Beach and Towan Beach to dodge those sneaky southeast winds. The surf was bigger, cleaner, and double the fun during our second surf sesh at both spots.

Sunday brought us more wind than a kite festival, but Tolcarne beach was the wave haven we needed, with two epic surf sessions and some friendly faces in the water. By 3:30, we were homeward bound to London, already plotting our next wave-chasing adventure!

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