Surfing Scarborough aka 'Scarbados'

A recent trip 31/03/23 – Ozlem, Ralph and I, went up to Scarborough to help me get my drivers license and hopefully score some waves. With a bonus of Lucy, Feargus, Skye and Summer up in Scarborough celebrating Skye’s birthday.

I have been trying to get my license for 2 years now and the covid back log has been a disaster, leaving Scarborough as the only available road test before my learners permit expired. You cannot get a drivers exam in London till late October 2023. Amazingly enough before meeting in N1 the forecast showed 4-6 feet with a 12 second period.

The great news was I got my license and we all were able to catch some clean chest high surf on the South Bay all in the same day. 

Although the wind picked up, the South Bay offered enough shelter during mid tides to get two days of surfing in. I got so see Ralph drop in on what I would say was the biggest wave of the weekend. It was great to see Ozlem back in the water after having not surfed for 6 months ….you crushed it. I can say that the sea tasted even sweeter after passing my driver’s test.

This is what our club is all about. Helping each other in an out of the water. Ralph, thank you for taking me driving, letting me use your car and yelling at me to use my indicators. Ozlem, thank you for reminding me of spirit of the club, booking the accommodations and brining CoCo.

The club app has a write a trip report function that YES getting further development. The write a report function allows us to see automatically who went, who drove, where did you stay, see photos and to read about the trip. The report function even tallies expenses if you add them to the trip function. This also helps you as a member journal your trip. The app was developed by us to get off emails and connect us through one source. Forecast, trip organising, surf journaling, a community forum and so much more is coming. 

So, why write this email to our whole group of subscribers and full members? Because we wanted to share this spirit and share that we are gearing up for the summer. The summer offers less waves and we are offering more options to stay surf fit. We are Surf Skating every week at London Bridge and soon Shoreditch Park which has a climbing wall, we are organising swim training sessions and summer activities and not to just meet up for drinks.

During this last trip to Scarborough, I had to remember why we are a club and that is to create more ways to help all surfers of all levels SURF MORE. We are now working on affiliations so as a full member you will get discounts and exclusive access for more ways to stay surf fit, get gear and see more of the value of being a full member.

For those who are full members thank you for believing in us by becoming full members and we promise to keep progressing the club so ALL our members can keep progressing your surf skills. 

We are invite only as we want to keep our ethos intact by knowing and trusting the people who join. 

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