Another Surf Trip For The Books

London to Cornwall. We are on a roll. When we say surf you say more. Surf more! 

Driver: Max 

Passengers: Brian Ian & Mery

GSC London offers members the knowledge to navigate to the waves with people that know where to go even when the surf forecast says it's to windy. Having access to a community of surfer of all levels give you the confidence to find spots that work regardless of your level. 

This weekend surf trip had us doing the classic spot check that led us to the south coast of Cornwall where we found some really fun waves. Great session with loads of variety. Sun was shining and we even saw some friendly seals in the water.

On a sunny Saturday, we spent the entire day surfing, and Mery had a close encounter with a beautiful seal. Despite getting spooked, Mery continued to catch some amazing waves.

Max had recently returned from a boat surfing trip in Indonesia with other club members. It's evident that Max's surfing skills have improved.

Ian was thrilled to discover a surf spot with perfect waves for his mini mal board, avoiding overcrowding and choppy conditions.

Sunday brought cleaner waves on the north coast of Cornwall. Ian enjoyed two massive surfing session before returning to London.

The surf club is fantastic for ride-sharing to the coast, making the journey more enjoyable, convenient and a heck of a lot less expensive with everyone involved.

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