Day Dash to Wittering Surf Trip

Bit of 'work from home' wink wink - midweek day trip! 

Love it when to surf forecast is good enough for a short drive from London to surf West Wittering.

Sasha put it out to the club the surf forecast is working in Wittering anyone down for a day trip?

We rendezvoused at East Croydon, headed directly to West Wittering, and dove into the waves.

Sasha, a new club member, was eager to get into the water and swiftly caught three beautiful clean waves.

West Wittering boasts a fantastic parking area with restroom amenities and is just a 50-meter walk to the sea.

The locals are incredibly welcoming and enthusiastic when the surf rolls in.

Even though we used to scratch our heads about this spot due to its unpredictable waves, we now have a bit more local knowledge, so we can plan for the perfect windows to catch the best waves!

West Wittering is ideal for surfing at mid tide, particularly during an outgoing tide or when it is receding.

The drive from London is incredibly straightforward, passing through picturesque countryside roads.

Whittering boasts numerous excellent peaks suitable for surfers of all skill levels.

For a satisfying post-surf meal, Drifters East Wittering restaurant consistently delivers exceptional food and service.

Don't underestimate this surf spot; it offers enjoyable waves for your much-needed surfing fix!

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